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SAP®–Allocare AMS Interface

Keeping Positions and Transactions Synchronized

The StepStream SAP®–Allocare AMS Interface is a well-proven solution offering the advantages of standard software. The interface is preconfigured and ready-to-use in a short space of time. Costs for implementation, configuration and maintenance are far lower than for customized products.

The following data types are supported by this interface:

  • Transactions in securities, options and foreign exchange
  • Business partner and investment master data
  • Market data such as FX rates and security

Features of this interface:

  • Automatic transport of data between SAP and Allocare AMS (import and export)
  • Modifiable data exchange in case of a change in business needs
  • Support for error reporting and correction during data transport

We would be delighted to help you connect your SAP TRM and Allocare AMS.Contact us


StepStream GmbH
+49 (2133) 27594-00
[email protected]

+49 (40) 8199442-0
[email protected]




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